


Blades的 @if(条件)会被编译成<?php if ($condition) : ?>。@else,@elseif,以及@endif 也会被编译成PHP语法结构样式,如示例4-2所示

Example 4-2. @if, @else, @elseif, and @endif
@if (count($talks) === 1)
There is one talk at this time period.
@elseif (count($talks) === 0)
There are no talks at this time period.
There are {{ count($talks) }} talks at this time period.

就像原生的PHP条件判断一样,你可以混合跟匹配你想要的.它们没有任何特殊的逻辑,实际上,解析器会查找@if($ condition)这样的东西,并用适当的PHP代码替换它

@unless 和 @endunless

@unless是一种新的语法,在PHP中没有直接的等价语法对应,它是@if的反转,@unless(@condition)与<?php if(!$condition)>相同,你可以在示例4-3中查看

Example 4-3. @unless and @endunless
@unless ($user->hasPaid())
    You can complete your payment by switching to the payment tab.

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